Author: Michael
Distilling the Wisdom of C.E.O.’s
Carmella sent me this great article on the key characteristics that CEO’s look for in their staff. A great deal of helpful info. Read the article here.
Order Of The Yellow Rose
I received a great honor this past weekend! The Unitarian Church in Summit awarded it’s Order Of The Yellow Rose to a group of people that contributed behind the scenes to the Church this past year. Here is the write up included in the Annual Report: Michael has again stepped forward to revitalize, reshape and…
Cool Van Gogh Video
Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa wrote and directed a film in 1990 called Dreams. One segment of this film, Crows, depicts a person becoming lost inside of a van Gogh painting. Thanks to The Simple Dollar for highlighting this. Turns out that Van Gogh is one of my favorites. Carmella and I were so lucky…
Distilling the Wisdom of C.E.O.’s
Read this interesting article in the NY Times about the qualities that CEO’s are looking for in their team.