Category: Family

  • End of Life Decisions

    In her Wall Street Journal article “Preparing for the Final Hours”, Melinda Beck discusses end of life decisions and how to prepare for them. “Forget about the health-reform debate for the moment. Should you have a living will specifying the kind of care you’d want at the end of life if you couldn’t speak for…

  • Kelly’s Winter Instrumental Concert

    Kelly performed on her clarinet as part of the 6th grade instrumental band on Jan 29, 2009.  The band played 3 songs: Entry of the Nobles A Quiet Rain Comet Ride The concert was great and Kelly played her heart out!  You can see some pictures here.

  • Basketball on Sunday afternoon

    Kelly and I just finished up shooting some baskets over at the Millburn Middle School.  Millburn Recreation has a nice program where they open up the school gym on Sunday afternoon for 2 hours.  Kelly and I had a basket to ourselves so we were able to have some fun.  Afterwards Kelly decided she wanted…