Author: Michael
Generosity to the Max
I’ve become quite a fan of the TED talks. Here is a great one on Generosity. It reminds me of the volunteer work I did for Habitat for Humanity and for City Harvest. Giving of yourself for no reason other than to help others, even if you never get to meet the people who benefit…
See 5 Planets At Once!
Has there ever been a better month for watching planets? Hard to imagine. March 2012 ranks among the best! Click here for your guide to viewing the planets this month!
Millburn And Short Hills Google Map With Photos
Just found a great map of Millburn and Short Hills NJ. It has photos and text describing various historic places in town. View History of Millburn NJ in a larger map
Amazing Nutrition Video
Dr. Terry Wahls was stricken with MS and her body and health went into rapid decline. She then did a lot of research and decided to try changing her diet. She had amazing results, which she describes in this video called Minding Your Mitochondria. Here is the video.
A Clean Room Can Be Profitable!
Ok, so maybe this won’t happen to you, but you never know! It’s amazing what you can find when you clean your room! Or better yet, good things happen when you listen to your mother! Read about it here.